Build with our partners

Solutions to achieve the SDGs are being built jointly and disseminated in a crisscross manner throughout the world. Indeed, development entails collective and inclusive action carried out at the proper scale. That’s why we cofinance around half our projects with partners. These partners are not just other development banks : they can be local authorities, NGOs, foundations, or others. Cofinancing helps to multiply the effects, attract other investors, and make the most ambitious projects possible.


The European Commission and its 27 Member States provide about 46% of the world's official development assistance, which makes them the world's largest donor with a total of €66.8 billion allocated in 2020. The EU is therefore a key player in the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve its objectives, the European Commission is mobilizing its European partners. For more than 12 years, AFD Group has been working extensively with the EU.

The United Nations

The United Nations is a key forum in terms of the international discussions on development aid, and AFD participates in these actively. We maintain institutional relations with the UN actors and operational relations with certain UN organizations.

Development banks and agencies

Regardless of whether they are bilateral, multilateral or national, development banks and agencies are natural partners for AFD. Many of our projects are cofinanced by one or more of them. Indeed, synergies among donors are essential for making their actions effective.

Local and regional authorities

AFD is devoting an increasing share of its activity to direct financing of local authorities in the countries where it works. To do so, it relies on the expertise of French local and regional authorities in particular, many of which are significant actors in development aid.