Wa3y is changing the way people think

A Voluntary organization aimed at educating and raising awareness within our communities regarding rights, citizenship issues, and the active role citizens should undertake towards their society and nation, also fostering creative thinking, enhancing positive interaction with cultural and ethnic diversity, combating violence and negative customs, launching social campaigns, providing support, and enhancing the capacities of youth and women to undertake positive and effective roles in their communities, social organizations, professional sectors, and official state institutions.

Contact us

Our Story


Established in 2017 as a cultural association, in December 2021, it held its fourth General Assembly meeting, culminating in its transformation from the Cultural Wa3y Association to the Wa3y Organization

Established in 2017 as a cultural association, in December 2021, it held its fourth General Assembly meeting, culminating in its transformation from the Cultural Wa3y Association to the Wa3y Organization

Organization Objectives

Our Values

  1. Non- discrimination on the basis of ethnic, culture or sex.

  2. Build a sense of voluntary work.

  3. Full compliance with work disciplines.

  4. Commitment to quality and professional standards.

  5. Work to establish the rules and the systems of institutional transparency, and accountability.

  6. Encourage exchange of experiences, constructive ideas, Learning and self-promotion and support creativity.

  7. Commitment to rules and mechanisms for the accountability to affect population it serves.

  8. Adhering to child and youth protection policies.

  9. Ensure protection and gender mainstreaming.

The Message

The organization works to strengthen and develop the capabilities of Sudanese citizens to confront challenges and issues in their path towards building a brighter future. This is based on principles of human rights, local Sudanese experiences, human values, and cultures. The organization also works on enhancing the learning environment, establishing dialogue, and ensuring active citizen participation.


“Inspired citizens; enjoying all their rights, and proud of their cultures and their identity”


Waey is working to promote and develop the Sudanese citizen's capacities to face challenges and problems on the way of building a bright future; that’s based on Human rights concepts; the human experiences; and Sudanese cultures; Waey also working to create a learning & dialogue environments, to insure citizen's active participation through organize the communities, promoting team work and team spirit, and by building effective partnerships and alliances to achieve its vision.

our partners

What People Say About Us


Fillan bin Illan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, eum, ducimus ut similique excepturi doloribus expedita sapiente temporibus commodi, aliquam atque dolor velit! Aut eum tenetur ratione saepe eveniet laboriosam!




Haggag bin yousif

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, eum, ducimus ut similique excepturi doloribus expedita sapiente temporibus commodi, aliquam atque dolor velit! Aut eum tenetur ratione saepe eveniet laboriosam!


Developer Advocate


Hamdok The Founder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, eum, ducimus ut similique excepturi doloribus expedita sapiente temporibus commodi, aliquam atque dolor velit! Aut eum tenetur ratione saepe eveniet laboriosam!



Meet Our Team

Filan Bin Illan

Founder & CEO



António Guterres






